Here we are down at the Haleakala visitor's center. It was SO WINDY, but we had a lot of fun. The next several days here on Maui will focus on snorkeling, island ecology, and marine issues. My underwater camera is 35mm, so it'll be a while until I can post those pictures. Should be fun!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
From Mauna Kea to Haleakala
Here we are down at the Haleakala visitor's center. It was SO WINDY, but we had a lot of fun. The next several days here on Maui will focus on snorkeling, island ecology, and marine issues. My underwater camera is 35mm, so it'll be a while until I can post those pictures. Should be fun!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Dozing Sea Turtles on the Black Sand Beach
There are pretty strict regulations in place to protect the sea turtles. Here's our guide discussing the reasons why we have to stay 15 feet away from the turtles at all times.
We also went on a few amazing hikes over the past few days. The picture below was taken on a one mile hike through a bird sanctuary.
This picture was taken at the Kilauea Iki trail that runs through an old lava lake (4 miles.)
I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. We're going up to the Astronomical Observatory on the top of Mauna Kea (one of the five volcanoes on this island.) We'll stay up there to watch the sunset from above the cloud line. Lots of pictures to follow!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Teachers on the Big Island
First, check out this amazing sunrise I saw the morning of the 7th a few hours before the teachers arrived
Our first activity was a hike to the steam vents in Volcano National Park. We have SUCH a GREAT group of teachers here!Our first full day began with a Hawaiian cultural experience with students from a local Hula school. They taught us the significance of leis and lei-making, what the movements in Hula mean, and the meaning of the whole process to the Hawaiian culture (NOT just a dance!) We then made our own leis. Check out mine below. The leis worn on the head are supposed to be parallel to the Earth to signify that we are not higher than or lower than the Earth, but a part of it.
The Big Island also has some amazing Astronomical research facilities. Here is my major professor and I at a planetarium show.
Lastly, the coolest thing we've seen has been the LAVA! There are no active lava flows at this time, but here you can see the lava from a deep lava lake reflecting off the ash and steam of the Halemau'ma'u Crater.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Good morning from the Big Island
In preparation for the teachers' arrival, we are running around, meeting with potential speakers, and scouting out our activity locations, such as the above picture taken from inside a lava tube. Yesterday we said goodbye to Maui and flew to the Big Island. When the teachers arrive for Project ISLE on Tuesday, we’ll stay in Volcano National Park. Until then, some of the co-directors are enjoying a cottage in the middle of the Hawaiian rainforest. The sounds of the forest are incredible, especially at night. Check out the clip below taken just before sunrise from my bedroom porch:
Apparently, these tiny Coqui frogs just arrived about a decade ago, and they’ve run wild on this side of the island. They croak all night long, and most of the locals absolutely hate them. If invasive, they may be outcompeting another native frog species (if there is one). But as far as the sound goes, I like them. They sound to me like the “frog” setting on our sound machine at home :)
Another thing I’m enjoying is the FOOD. I know Hawaii isn’t a foreign country, but it really feels like one a lot of the time. On Friday I had “poke” (pronounced POH-kay), for the first time. Poke is a delicious, traditional Hawaiian dish made from sashimi-grade (i.e. uncooked) marinated Ahi tuna. It looks sort of like a tomato salad. I also tried a lichee fruit for the first time. We ate dinner at a local’s house on Friday night, and I picked up a lichee and asked if it was a fungus (because that’s what it looked like.) They are about the size of a golf ball, and have a hard, dark brown, bumpy shell. When peeled, they look and feel kinda like an eyeball, but they taste the way a Gardenia flower smells. Incredible. Last night I had this fabulous dish during my first Vietnamese dinner experience:
This is “Ban” a Vietnamese barbecue chicken dish (SPICY!) with sliced spring rolls over long noodles, over a romaine and mint salad, with a tart side sauce (yes, all at the same time). I LOVED it.
Today is our first full day on the Big Island, so we’re going to do a lot of running around to acquaint me with this massive island. All the other Hawaiian Islands could easily fit inside this island (with room to spare). By the way, now that the sun has come up, check out how the sounds have changed:
Friday, June 3, 2011
After 21 hours of travel and airports, airports, and more airports, I am finally beginning my first full day in Hawaii. If you’re looking at the number 21 in the last sentence and thinking “Oh how miserable,” then stop yourself right there. I left the house at 7 in the morning and laid my head down at the Upcountry Bed and Breakfast at around 4 EST, but every minute of the trip was worth it. There is something about Hawaii that just grabs you by the heart strings, dives into your soul, and makes you fall in love with it. For example, this is my view from the adorable bed and breakfast where I’m staying:
It’s at about 3000 feet above sea level, and I’ve been told that you can see whales in the bay if you’re lucky :)
Anyway, today is going to be a busy day. This is the start of our “prep week” in which we get everything ready for the teachers who arrive June 7th. We (well, I) are going to be driving around the island and visiting the sites of the various activities. Len, my colleague who co-authored the grant with me, lived on Maui for a number of years and ran Project ISLE as a business for a while, so he knows the island. On the other hand, I need to figure out where everything is, so I’m driving today. We’ll also be going to Costco (yes, there are Costco’s on Hawaii! My favorite place! I might never come home…) to finalize our meal plan for Maui. We have a cafeteria at KMC, but we’re our own chefs at Camp Olowalu, which will be fun :)
More to come later! Mahalo